
Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behaviour. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.

~Eckhart Tolle


To be mindful means to be here, fully present, and fully alive, unencumbered by thoughts of the past or the future, our worries, or our projects.

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Be quiet

Change no one. Change nothing. React to no one. React to nothing. Do not live in the past, and do not worry about the future. Stay in the eternal now, where all is well. After all, you are me, and I am you. There’s no difference. Do not react to the world. Do not even react to your own body. Do not even react to your own thoughts. Learn to become the witness. Learn to be quiet.

~Robert Adams

Your thoughts

Do not allow your thoughts to become greater than you. No matter what your thoughts tell you, don’t listen. Remember your thoughts are not your friend. Your thoughts try to confound you, confuse you. And they will tell you all kinds of things. Do not listen to your thoughts, even your good thoughts. Transcend everything, go beyond your thoughts to your bliss, to your joy and to your happiness.

~Robert Adams